marketing is an unconventional way of promoting products that relies
heavily on timing and location. Guerrilla marketing generally utilises
public spaces to attract attention of the general public and get them
involved with the brand's promotional efforts.

Guerrilla marketing is a technique often utilised by companies on a
budget and is therefore popular amongst small companies and
entrepreneurs. Instead of investing money, guerrilla marketing invests
time, energy and imagination. If you want to know more about this, check
out Guerrilla Marketing.

Some great examples of guerrilla marketing campaigns include:

1. Alberta Canada Skiing:

To promote skiing and ski holidays, this organization painted the
outside of a ski lift over a subway bench and a mural of mountains in
the background. Two skis were painted on the ground where one's feet
would go. This put people in the mood for skiing while they waited for
the train in an urban centre. 

2. Father Bob Maguire Foundation:

To spread awareness about homelessness, the Father Bob Maguire
Foundation painted a fork and knife on either side of dirty garbage
bins. When you look at them, it looks like what you see in the bin is on
a plate, ready to eat.

Interactive guerrilla marketing:

Guerrilla marketing is almost like the graffiti of marketing in that it
is bold and temporary. Because guerrilla marketing campaigns tend to be
fun, organising firms often get fans of the brand as well as the general
public involved. Some great examples of this are:

1. The T-Mobile ads:

The people of London are sure to remember T Mobile's 'Life's For
Sharing' ad. At 11:00 on Thursday January 15 2008 approximately 350
people broke into a choreographed dance routine in London's Liverpool
Station for the shooting of a new TMobile ad. Some of the participants
were company employees but most were commuters who got caught in the
middle of the fun. T-Mobile recently made another one of these ads in
the Arrivals terminal at Heathrow station. It was also a huge success.

2. Grun: Adidas and Dazed & Confused Magazine:

In 2008 these two brands collaborated on a guerrilla marketing project
to turn grey areas into green ones. People around the world spread
seeds, planted flowers and tidied up urban disaster areas. They then had
to photograph their work and upload it to be judged by the general

Nowadays, guerrilla marketing campaigns are using cutting edge digital
technologies to engage consumers and create a memorable online brand
experience.  For more info, visit Guerrilla Marketing.