You have a website for your business - that's great. Every business must have a website in order to remain competitive and grow. But, is this all you need to do to take advantage of the awesome power of the Internet?If You Build It He Will Come! This is a great quote by baseball slugger Shoeless Joe Jackson from the movie Field of Dreams. The line makes for dramatic copy, but it's really only for the movies. This notion couldn't be further from the truth! In fact, just the opposite is true. If you want to know more about this, check out Small Business Website Design. Unfortunately, many business owners think that all they need do is put up a glamorous, flashy and beautiful business website and clients will break down the doors, cash in hand, and sales will go through the roof! And to feed this ugly and untrue rumor are the thousands of local website designers who are very talented in making a beautiful website - but absolutely stink at making it perform. And they forget to do what their clients - those who own the business website - need the most! And that is to help drive traffic!As an aside, I'd like to bring up the fact that many beautiful websites are hopefully difficult to use. Most of the information that the visitor came to find in the first place is hidden, and the visitor usually clicks away within the first thirty seconds. That has been my experience with these "trophy" websites. And the business owner is left with an empty wallet and a business asset that is definitely a non-performer.If you want increased sales from your business website, you need to make an organized deliberate and consistent effort to drive targeted traffic to your web site. Without this effort, visitor volume to your business website may be disappointing - and unprofitable. In fact, the vast majority of business owners do nothing to drive visitors to their business web site, and the results are truly predictable. Their owner view them as failed attempts, and do not understand why they have failed. Are you in this category? Did you allow yourself to get talked into a glamorous website, only to later learn that it will do nothing for your business?As a practical business website designer who has built many websites for great local businesses, I cannot place too much emphasis on considering the practicality, the ease of use and the promotion of your business website. If you keep it simple, provide plenty of relevant information for your visitors and promote it to the world, your small business website design will pay for itself many times over. For more info, visit Small Business Website Design