Showing Tag: "3" (Show all posts)

Tuneup 360

Posted by tdrrockwrd5 on Tuesday, November 8, 2011,
This article gives some tips on how to repair PC registry on a Windows computer. Registries were first introduced by Microsoft in the Windows 3.1 Operating System (OS), and they replaced the many separate configuration files which had proliferated in earlier systems (e. G.,. INI,. COM and. BAT files). The most modern Microsoft systems (XP, Vista and Windows 7) all place considerable importance on their registries, which now hold a great deal of vital system configuration data in every ...

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Tuneup 360

Posted by tdrrockwrd5 on Tuesday, November 8, 2011,
A slow computer equals an unhappy owner. But did you know that it can easily be solved simply by using a registry cleaner. This is a simple step that most owners are not aware of because they do not even know that a registry exists. The registry, put in simple words, stores the necessary data to make both software and hardware work. It is the database or the storage area of the computer. All computers that use Windows system operate using the registry. The registry, however, gets fille...

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Omega 3

Posted by tdrrockwrd5 on Wednesday, November 2, 2011,
fatty acids: where to find them? Although no single food alone can make
a person healthy, eating more fish is one way that most of us can help
improve our diets-”and our health. Many of the studies about beneficial
omega-3 fatty acids focus on fish as the primary source. Salmon,
sardines, tuna and even shellfish are rich in omega-3 fatty acid
content, but increasing your consumption of all types of fish and
seafood is NOT recommended if you are trying to obtain a therapeutic
effect from the...

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