Showing Tag: "driver" (Show all posts)


Posted by tdrrockwrd5 on Thursday, January 12, 2012,
Any person holding a commercial driver's license (or CDL, for short) is held to higher standards when it comes to impaired driving rather than their non-commercial driver's license, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.There is a good reason for this: it doesn't matter what the driver is hauling, the stakes are generally higher than the typical vehicle driver. A company driver who has been drinking or is under the influence of drugs poses a much greater threat t...
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Posted by tdrrockwrd5 on Thursday, January 12, 2012,
If you hold a driver's license, a driving record always follows. Your driving status, the type of driver's license that you have, and your driving history are all information that can be found in driving records.There are actually several kinds of driving records that can be made available for perusal.o    An accident report contains information about a particular accident including all parties involved, the time and place of the accident and the circumstances that lead up to the accid...
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Posted by tdrrockwrd5 on Thursday, January 12, 2012,
Are you a driver who needs to check your license records? Are you an employer who wants to employ a driver but needs to know if that person truly has a genuine license? You may even want to know if the person has good driving records; whatever the case may be that may warrant you wanting free drivers license records, you can get the information on the internet.The internet is like a central archive where information on everyone is kept. If you want to know more about this, check out DRI...
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