Showing Tag: "is" (Show all posts)

Where is Bangladesh

Posted by tdrrockwrd5 on Thursday, January 12, 2012,
There is something very special about a Hindu Bangladeshi marriage. The event is elaborate and the rituals and ceremonies generally begin with the engagement that takes place a few days before the wedding. Bangladeshi marriage is referred to as bibaha in the local language. The celebrations of the bibaha or the Bangladeshi marriage do not end with the wedding as the rituals continue post marriage as well. Every wedding in the family is a joyous occasion with relatives coming in from far...
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Advertising Signs

Posted by tdrrockwrd5 on Wednesday, November 2, 2011,
With literally thousands of new businesses started up everyday, you know that whatever niche you choose, you will have competition. This of course is a good thing, as it means that there is a market and that market is spending money to fix a problem. The key of course is, giving this competition, how to ensure that you get consistent and continual prospects and customers. And if you're a retail or offline business, then you may have considered using advertising signs to boost walk-ins. But ha...
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