Not all lawyers in America have the right to work with clients. In the USA there is a monopoly for legal activity. Be engaged in it the person with corresponding preparation, formation, experience can.

Not any lawyer can represent interests of other persons in court. It is authorized only to lawyers. To begin them (to receive the status), it is necessary to get education in the high school accredited by Association of the American lawyers, to pass examination and if it is demanded by the staff legislation, constantly to raise the qualification.

If the lawyer who does not have the status of the lawyer, represents nevertheless someone's interests in court him will charge of illegal work on a legal speciality. If you want to know more about this, check out Tennessee CLE.

The lawyer it is possible to deprive of the status only through court.

The lawyer in America can lose the status if will show nonprofessional behavior. For example, if will steal from the client or will report to court obviously false data.

Basis for deprivation of the lawyer status can become and the complaint from clients. The association can initiate status deprivation, for example, under publications in mass-media. The association begins investigation and if it is found out that there are bases for business excitation, directs materials to the Supreme court of staff which solves, to deprive or not to deprive of the lawyer of the status.

If the rights of lawyers they address in courts of states in which competence - consideration of similar complaints are broken.

The judge once deprived of a cloak, never will receive it again.

If the rights of lawyers (or citizens) restrain judges for judges punishments are provided up to the termination of powers. As this procedure is conducted, depends on in what judicial system the judge works. In the USA two various judicial systems. One at level of states, another - at federal level. In everyone the different procedural right acts.

Each staff itself determines, what disciplinary actions and how to apply to judges. There is a judicial-disciplinary commission which makes investigations under complaints and can take out the prevention, and can and discharge the judge of a post. Cloak deprivation - very serious and effectual measures as repeatedly to select the judge it is impossible (in states of the judge are selected for unlimited term).

At federal level as judges are appointed for life, they can be discharged only under the Senate decision. It is possible only in the event that the judge has committed any crime.

By the way, available strong lawyer consolidation the judicial case of the USA is interested also. Only lawyer consolidation is capable to protect judges as they to protect not in a condition.

The Internet enters into work of lawyers more and more, now the employee of the company can work, being in an every spot on the globe. Today it in one country, tomorrow in another, but thus it remains the employee of one law firm which is settling down in a concrete city of the concrete state. Thanks to new Internet technologies lawyers from the different countries can exchange experience in a mode online.

Now the office is necessary to conduct only personal meetings with clients.

Work of Association of the American lawyers is reduced to two purposes: to improve quality of juridical education and to develop the world code of professional etiquette.

As a part of association the commission works. She creates a kit of ethical standards by which in the future lawyers of the whole world could be guided. It is important, that each lawyer could participate in code discussion.

10 % of time - no-charge work.

Earlier it was forbidden to submit claims to the USA in interests of other persons. For example, if I have suffered, but I don't have money to address in court, I couldn't ask to address you from my name and to obtain compensation.

Now this question is solved: the legal aid that who not in a condition to pay services of the lawyer, is rendered by public organization "Legal Service Incorporation."

Also at us in association it is established that lawyers should devote 10 percent of time to no-charge work, protecting interests of who doesn't have means. We do all that the system of law in the USA was better, that it was possible to tell that the king in America is the right. It is the higher compliment which can be made to a society.

If the lawyer gets down to business, for which it is not offered any material compensation it is impossible to exclude that it is guided by the aspiration to justice. Even if thus there is any advertizing for it. By the way, in some states it is authorized to lawyers to advertized the services if such advertizing does not cause a damage to the client and doesn't render pressure upon court.

The good lawyer works not only for the sake of money, but also for the sake of changes in a society.

Lawyers always should do that corresponds to interests of the client and a society. What difference between the bad and good lawyer. The salary? Actually, the bad lawyer only earns money, and the good lawyer also brings changes in a society.

Now compensation comes to the USA on change to hourly rates in the form of the steady sum or the maximum limit which it is possible to take from the client. The system of hourly rates isn't absolutely reasonable, as it turns out that the client pays not for quality, and for time spent by the lawyer.

Certainly, about that, how many there are services of the lawyer, he should declare in the business beginning, instead of in the end. Besides, the decent lawyer will try to make so that the client has paid less for concrete legal procedure or, say, for transaction support. For more info, visit Tennessee CLE.