This article gives some tips on how to repair PC registry on a Windows computer. Registries were first introduced by Microsoft in the Windows 3.1 Operating System (OS), and they replaced the many separate configuration files which had proliferated in earlier systems (e. G.,. INI,. COM and. BAT files). The most modern Microsoft systems (XP, Vista and Windows 7) all place considerable importance on their registries, which now hold a great deal of vital system configuration data in every installation. If you want to know more about this, check out Tuneup 360. Getting a top quality registry cleaner software can help speed up your PC quickly.It is an unfortunate fact that registries can become bloated, and over time may end up containing a very large number of incorrect or redundant entries. These tend to be caused because the installers and uninstallers for programs are not perfect, or do not have complete information available to them.This means that the bloated registry is much more likely to occur in a computer where many programs have been installed and then uninstalled (or deleted), than in ones where the user has just installed a few favorite programs, and then left the system in a stable state.Bloated registries are not necessarily a problem as the OS is designed to skip over invalid entries, and the extra CPU time needed to read the registry should not be too noticeable. However there do seem to be cases where running a cleanup program does cause a significant performance improvement.For example, one experimenter reported that he had run a cleanup program on two PCs which he owned. With one computer there was no noticeable change in the amount of time required to boot-up, but with the other, the boot-up time was reduced by ten seconds, which was quite a considerable improvement. One may therefore conclude that this is one of those "your-mileage-may-vary" moments which often occur when experimenting with computer systems.The registry is a vital part of the Windows Operating System, and making an incorrect change may cause serious damage to your computer. It is therefore very inadvisable to make changes by hand, or to allow an automatic program to make wholesale changes without carefully confirming what it intends to do.When using a registry cleaner tool, make sure that you have the ability to reverse any changes which are made to your system. Make a system restore point using the Control Panel and/or using an independent backup utility such as ERUNT.Any good registry cleaner product should allow you to first scan your registry for errors and then decide what you want to do. Generally it is sensible to take the least drastic action at first. You can then continue to use your computer for a couple of days, and reverse the changes if you notice any problems, or make more changes if you wish to make further improvements.Always pay careful attention to any messages from the registry cleaner, especially "cautions" and "warnings". Taking an incremental (step-by-step) approach to cleaning, making regular backups, and not proceeding with changes which you are not confident about, are the keys to safely repairing PC registry errors. I personally managed to clean up my computer by downloading high quality registry cleaner software and would highly recommend it. For more info, visit Tuneup 360.